Richard Vale

I am currently working as a Data Scientist. In 2014 I was a Lecturer in the Statistics Department at the University of Canterbury. I have a PhD in mathematics from the University of Glasgow (2007) and was an HC Wang Assistant Professor at Cornell University (2007-10). Previously I studied at the University of Auckland and the University of Cambridge (Part III Mathematics, aka M.A.St 2003). I have also taught at Oberlin College (2010-11), the University of Auckland, and AUT.

Contact details

Email: rtrvale at gmail etc.


I published a joint paper The Construction of G - Invariant Finite Tight Frames in Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications October 2016, Volume 22, Issue 5, pp 1097—1120.
  • Link to submitted version of the paper.

I wrote a paper A Model for Tax Evasion with some Realistic Properties. I gave a talk on this paper at the Massey University Applied Mathematics Seminar in Palmerston North on April 30 2015.

I attended the joint NZSA/ORSNZ conference in November 2014 and presented a discussion of a network imputation problem at the CMSS summer worskop on December 9-10 2014.

In September-October 2014, I worked on Bayesian modelling of Game of Thrones and some results, including a paper and code, can be found here. Here is a link to the paper (pdf) which contains spoilers for all five of the books (if you haven't read them, click with caution.)

In 2013-14 I worked with Rachel Fewster on capture-recpature models with applications to whales.
  • Vale, R.T.R., Fewster, R.M., Carroll, E.L., and Patenaude, N.J. Maximum likelihood inference for model Mt,a for capture-recapture data with misidentification. Biometrics, 2014. Full text (PDF) and Web Appendix.
  • Slides (pdf) from a talk at CREEM, St. Andrews, July 2014.
  • Slides (pdf) from a short version of the same talk.

In Febraury 2014 I gave a seminar at The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on copula methods and interactive statistical graphics using Javascript and Canvas.
  • Tutorial on making an animated time series in html. Aimed at those with R experience.
  • Paper from the 2013 NZSA/ORSNZ conference.

Lecture Notes and Teaching Materials

All files are pdf.